Refer a new client* = 100 Euro + 3% earn!

Verdiene 100€ with every referred* new customer and 3% Participation in every further order.

You want to earn a little extra income? You know people who could benefit from a video production or social media marketing?

Then become Oehmedia partner and earn 100€ with every new customer you refer to us* + 3% Participation in every further order.

* "refer" means a new customer concluding a contract.

How does it work?


Registriere dich als Partner von Oehmedia GbR. Dafür musst du das untenstehende Formular ausfüllen. Aus deinen Angaben generieren wir anschließend einen personalisierten Code, den wir dir per E-Mail übermitteln.


Now it's your turn. Talk to potential customers and ask them to contact us. Of course you should tell them your personal code. Then we know that the pot. customer comes from you 😉


Payday! Juhuu. Sobald der Neukunde den ersten Auftrag mit uns abschließt, bekommst du 100€ ausgezahlt. Dabei sind dir keine Grezen gesetzt. Du kannst so viele Kunden vermitteln, wie du möchtest.

The good? In addition to the 100€ per new customer, you will receive 3% of EVERY further order from this customer!

Oehmedia - Become a partner

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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